Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A little about where we're going and what we're doing

I have been asked many times 'Where exactly are you going?' and 'What are you going to be doing?'. Maybe this will help...

We are going to L'viv, Ukraine. Instead of me telling you, click on this link and read all about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lviv. L'viv is a very interesting and beautiful city with a rich history so I think you will enjoy the article. The time difference: eight hours ahead of CDT; travel time: 13 hours in actual flight time plus two layovers.

We will be conducting an Upward Basketball Mission Camp. If you don't know about Upward Sports - it is a U.S. based Christian sports program available to churches or Christian recreation centers. Upward provides all the materials to run basketball, flag football and soccer league along with cheerleading. I have been involved with Upward for 10 years, and last year I heard about a new program they had: Upward Mission Camps. The camp is set up with a number of skill stations (we will have four - shooting, dribbling and passing, defense and rebounding, and lay-ups and free throws) and a devotional station. Basically, we use the draw of an organized sports camp to bring in kids so they can be exposed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The devotions during our five day camp will be a series that introduces kids to God, the Bible, and Jesus, and on the last day the kids are given the opportunity to make a decision to give their life to Christ. The local church we will be working with will then take things from there, reaching out to the families of the kids and inviting them to attend church and begin the process of understanding what it means to have personal relationship with Christ.

I hope that fills in the blanks a little.

In His service,


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